18 Miles

I’m finally a runner.

To most people, that probably seems crazy. I ran two half marathons before my deep vein thrombosis (DVT or blood clots), and have run five more half marathons and dozens of shorter races since my DVT. I’ve been training for the NYC Marathon all summer and I have been consistently increasing my mileage every week so that I’ll be able to achieve 26.2 miles in less than seven weeks.

But I never considered myself a runner.

I’ve always made sure to emphasize to friends and family that I’m not really a runner.

I go running, but I’m not really a runner.
I’m really slow.
My leg hurts when I run, I’m not a runner.
I’m only running to help with recovery.
Running hurts, it’s not fun for me.


I think I was worried that if I told people I was a runner, they would assume I was really good or really fast (I’m not, and that’s OK). I used my DVT as a crutch. And while running has allowed me to overcome my DVT and exceed doctor expecations, it’s also become an excuse. DVT gave me a bad leg. DVT weighed me down. DVT meant I was still slower than I was before.

Runner's high after 18 miles.

Runner’s high after 18 miles.

But this Sunday, I got over that.

This Sunday, I ran 18 miles and I felt really good!

New York Road Runners sponsored an 18-Mile Marathon Tune-Up in Central Park this past weekend. I’d been nervous all week. I had trouble sleeping and a massive stomach ache. My 16-mile run from the week before had been exhausting. It was hot, I was on vacation in Vienna and lost, and I had to walk for parts of it. There was no way I was going to be able to add an extra two miles.

Up until this point, so much of running had been about the destination — about becoming faster than I was pre-DVT, running longer than I had pre-DVT, being better than I was pre-DVT. It was about checking those boxes, and winning.

But this weekend, something finally clicked. I knew I had over three hours of running ahead of me, and I eased into the running. I enjoyed the crowds of fellow New Yorkers who were also training for the marathon. I enjoyed the green in the trees and the crisp cool air. And I enjoyed the actual act of running. I embraced the pain, I embraced the struggle, and I embraced the journey.

Suddenly, I was running faster, running longer and running easier.

Those 18 miles felt great. I could have kept going.

I’m so excited for 26.2.

Happy 2-Year Clotiversary To Me

It’s been two years since I nearly died in Malaysia. Two years since I couldn’t walk. Two years since I thought I’d never run again. Two years since I didn’t know what was wrong with me, and two years since I wondered if I would see another birthday.

So much can change in two years. I am so happy to be alive, so happy I can run, and so happy I have such wonderful friends and family who have helped me get to where I am today.

Today I celebrate life.



I’m training for the NYC Marathon.

I am both excited and terrified. It will in many ways be the hardest thing I have ever done.

  1. Running 26.2 miles is really hard.
  2. Running 26.2 miles after having a severe DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and pulmonary embolisms (PEs) in both lungs is really, really hard.

But I’m determined to do it.

Although doctors initially told me I would never be able to run again, I have since run five half marathons and numerous other races. I run regularly, and I’m convinced running saves my life daily.

DVT left the veins in my left leg a scarred and clotted mess. But running has allowed my body to heal and generate new veins (collateral veins) to help meet the demands I put on it with an active lifestyle.

I am still slower than I was two years ago, but I am determined to be better than I was before.

This is where the marathon comes in.

A marathon was something I thought impossible two years ago when I was healthy. A marathon was impossible a year and a half ago when I was in the hospital. A marathon was still impossible when I signed up. A marathon is still impossible today. But by training for and running the NYC Marathon, I want to prove to myself (and hopefully to you) that anything is possible.

I also want to use my first marathon as an opportunity to spread awareness. By sharing my story, I have already been able to warn my friends and family about the signs, symptoms and dangers of a blood clot, but I want to take this further, and I’m hoping you’ll help.

More than one person dies every six minutes from a pulmonary embolism.

That’s 274 people dying each day from a blood clot.

This is more than HIV, breast cancer and motor vehicle crashes COMBINED.

These numbers are completely crazy and should not be this high. How could these numbers be reduced? Awareness. Awareness. Awareness. If more people knew how to (1) recognize the signs and symptoms of a DVT before it was too late, and (2) take simple precautions to avoid a DVT, thousands of lives could be saved each year.


The National Blood Clot Alliance is one of the largest organizations working to help spread awareness of DVT and provide assistance to those who have experienced a DVT. Although its focus has in the past been on patient advocacy, it is refocusing its efforts on public awareness in 2015 and in the future.

TEAM STOP THE CLOT for the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon is raising money for the National Blood Clot Alliance to help support this goal. Each team member is running 26.2 miles to help raise funds and spread the word to STOP THE CLOT.

My hope is that one day DVT and PE will be as well-known as breast cancer, skin cancer, or AIDS. It is through the efforts of many hard-working volunteers as well as generous funding that these have become everyday words.

It would mean a great deal to me if you could help achieve this goal.

Because I am not running the NYC Marathon on a charity bib (I qualified by running 9 races + 1 volunteering job last year), any money I raise will be used exclusively to STOP THE CLOT. All funds will create awareness for the general public and hopefully prevent more stories like mine from occurring.

I also promise that if you donate to my campaign, I will RUN WITH YOUR NAME on my shirt during the race–this way, we will be running together. 🙂 No donation is too small, and any amount will help STOP THE CLOT.


Thank you!


We are not alone.

One of the things that I find has made training for the NYC Marathon more manageable is having a good team. It’s more than just having loving friends and family encouraging you every step of the way (although of course this too is crucial). It means having someone by your side who is also having the same experiences.

Our NYC marathon training schedule!

Our NYC Marathon training schedule!

Lucky for me, I am not training for my marathon solo. I have a very good friend running the same training program, and she struggles with the same runs each week. We keep each other accountable, and I know that if she’s tackling the training runs with her equally hectic work schedule and personal life, then I can do it as well. We can vent to each other about how we’re sore, or about how that week’s run was much harder than the rest…

…in short, it’s that feeling of community and shared experience that make the entire experience more enjoyable. I know that I’m not alone. And I know that together, we can both finish this thing.

Similarly, one of the most important things I’ve realized through my deep vein thrombosis (DVT or blood clots) recovery is the importance of community. DVT and pulmonary embolisms (PEs or blood clots that have broken off and gone into the lungs) are actually fairly common–one person dies every six minutes from blood clots, which adds up to more deaths in America than HIV, breast cancer, and car crashes combined!

But because there are so many of us, I’m slowly realizing there are actually a number of very helpful online communities to discuss treatment options, medications, fears, recurrences of blood clots, and even running tips.

When I was first hospitalized in Malaysia and Tokyo, I felt so alone. I had heard of DVT, but I honestly knew very little. I was overwhelmed and in a foreign country, and none of my friends had ever experienced a blood clot. It was all new, and I didn’t know my options or understand what was happening. And while I spent countless hours reading different medical journals or articles explaining the science behind what was happening to my body, I wish now that I’d spent more time interacting with other people who had experienced something similar.

Reading about other people’s experiences:

(1) educates me.

Although doctors, news, and medical journals/articles have been able to explain a great deal of what is and has happened to me, it’s been incredibly helpful to hear from others who have many more years of experience. Science is continually progressing, and I’m hopeful that treatment options will continue to expand and be perfected over time.

But there’s a lot science doesn’t know. I’ve learned there are likely more genetic clotting factors than have currently been discovered. I’ve learned that the medications that work for me now may not work in the future. I’ve learned that exercise/running certainly helps in recovery, but it’s unclear how much we can push our bodies and unclear just how much this can affect post-thrombotic syndrome (chronic pain and swelling) long-term. I’ve learned that it’s unclear why some people get post-thrombotic syndrome and others don’t.

And while a community of individual experiences cannot itself provide definitive answers, it can help broaden your general awareness of potential outcomes. Knowledge gives you the power to better manage your condition.

(2) inspires me.

More importantly, I’m inspired and constantly amazed by everyone. There were so many times I struggled–struggled to stand, struggled to walk, struggled to run. But for every struggle I felt and every bit of frustration I experienced, there are a dozen more success stories. Again, I wish I had been better aware of these communities a year ago, but even now–almost two years out–I feel motivated and inspired to see my fellow Clot Busters racing triathlons, running marathons, and doing whatever else it was they were doing before they got sick.

I encourage anyone that’s struggling to do the same. It’s so easy to feel down on yourself when you can’t do what you were once able to do, but talking to others and reading success stories made me realize that if they could do it, I could too. Very little cannot be accomplished from sheer determination and continued efforts.

Here are a few of my favorite communities–

Facebook: Running after a Pulmonary Embolism
A great community of post-PE/DVT runners who post their success stories, questions, advice and latest news. Everyone is incredibly friendly and quite responsive. This is an amazing and inspiring group of people that just won’t quit and won’t take no for an answer!

Roland Varga maintains an Athlete of the Month post, where he shares that individual’s DVT/PE story, their recovery, their advice, and their current progress/training goals. There are over six years of monthly athletes shared on this page, and there are sure to be a few that resonate with your experiences and will motivate you to keep going. He’s been kind enough to feature me for August!

Facebook: Thrombosis Support Group (Clots, DVT, PE, stroke, phlebitis, clotting)
I’m new to this group, but this is another very active community of more great people who are also recovering and learning more. Some members are able to draw on years of experience, while others are just beginning to adjust to post-thrombotic life.

Daily Strength: Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism Support Group
Another community of clotters that offers support and comfort for those who are experiencing or have experienced a DVT/PE.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter where you go to find your community. What’s important is realizing that you are not alone, and that your goal of getting back to — no, exceeding — where you used to be physically is possible!

I wear clunky jewelry so I don’t bleed to death.

Less than 100 days until the NYC Marathon! It’s coming up quickly.

The last week of training was a bit of a mess—I ended up having some of the worst food poisoning of my life and my training was somewhat derailed.

But the important thing is that I still managed to get in my long run on Friday morning. From everyone I’ve talked to, this is the weekly run that is absolutely essential to a successful race day. Life and work can sometimes mess up your plans to regularly run during the week, but the long run must happen no matter what. No excuses.

With plans over the next few weekends, I’m trying to adjust my schedule to do my long run on Fridays before work. It’s definitely rough while I’m doing it, but it makes the entire weekend that much better once it’s out of the way!

Although running is keeping me healthy and improving my leg, I’m also constantly running about in my life. My days are filled with work, friends, travel, etc. that always keep me on the go–but despite being busy, I am a strong proponent of taking precautions and being safe where you can.

Because my deep vein thrombosis (DVT or blood clots) was so severe, I’ve been on a whole slew of medications to thin my blood. I’m currently taking xarelto (aka rivaroxaban—I’m a huge fan, and happy to discuss with anyone in more detail) and a baby aspirin daily. The xarelto is an anticoagulant (helps to lengthen the time it takes for my blood to clot) and the aspirin is an antiplatelet (helps to prevent my blood cells from clumping together to form a blood clot).

In short, because the veins in my leg are so damaged, I am highly susceptible to developing another DVT. And as with all DVT, if a part of the clot breaks off and goes to my heart and lungs, I will develop a pulmonary embolism (PE). PEs can be instantly fatal because they can cut off blood flow into the lungs. I had several PEs when I was first diagnosed, but was lucky they were small and not fatal.

Clearly this is not an acceptable risk. I therefore take blood thinners daily, and may well be on them for the rest of my life.

But what are the risks?

While the blood thinners help prevent future blood clots and help save my life, they also prevent my blood from clotting when I’m injured.

What does this mean?

It definitely doesn’t help that I’m a klutz, but I’ve stepped on glass and bled everywhere for close to an hour. I’ve walked into a door and given myself a concussion. I’ve bumped into tables and everyday objects and ended up with massive bruises. I’ve had bloody noses in dry weather that last a completely unreasonable amount of time.

And for the most part, this isn’t a big deal. But it does mean I’m banned from a lot of physical activities. I’m not allowed to play contact sports. I’m never allowed to ski or snowboard. I’m still trying to figure out if I can SCUBA. And I’d be an idiot for playing paintball. Lucky for me, I’ve never been coordinated enough to do most sports—it’s another reason why running is so important to me. Running is no-contact and requires nothing more than putting one foot in front of the other.

The greatest risk of being on blood thinners is mass trauma. What happens if I get hit by a car? Or something falls out of a window? Or I fall off a balcony? It’s in the freak accidents that there is the most danger. All of these are accidents that would endanger anyone, but in my case I will not stop bleeding.

Unfortunately there is currently no known antidote for xarelto (some blood thinners, such as warfarin/coumadin have a known antidote, but require much more daily upkeep and effort). This may change soon, but for now the risk of uncontrollable bleeding is even more serious. It is therefore very important that should I get in an accident, the EMT or other healthcare professional immediately know my medications and condition.


Amaris White
ON XARELTO ASA (aspirin)

That’s why I wear a medical bracelet—it lists my name, conditions, medications and emergency contact. I wear it all the time and never take it off—going out, showering, exercising, etc. Odds are it will never be used, but there’s a peace of mind knowing that I’m prepared for the worst case scenario.

You can buy the same bracelet here.

I previously wore this medical bracelet, but was worried it wouldn't catch a medical professional's eye in an emergency.

I previously wore this medical bracelet, but was worried it wouldn’t catch a medical professional’s eye in an emergency.

I had previously worn a nicer looking bracelet, but it looked too similar to the LIVESTRONG bracelets that so many people wear variations of today, and a former EMT friend of mine let me know that he would not recognize it to be a medical alert bracelet.

I got both my bracelets at Walgreens.com.

And so I’m sticking to the clunky big metal bracelet with the giant red medical alert notice. It’s not pretty, but in an emergency situation where every second counts, you want it to be easily recognizable.

Hopefully (probably) I will never need it. For those of you who are also on blood thinners, I highly recommend you wear one as well. We’ve already cheated death once, and there’s no reason for us to do it again—better safe than sorry!

85% of Air Travel DVT Victims are Athletes.

On Thursday nights (work permitting!) we try to make it to Central Park for our weekly running class with New York Road Runners. It’s intense and often reminds me of high school track—lots of drills and exercises, always pushing us to our max.

Each week is a surprise—sprints? hills? half-mile intervals? Each week we push ourselves further than we would have on our own. Each week we run until we feel like we can’t go anymore, and then we run a little more.

I’m always dead last in this class (not an exaggeration), but I never regret going. Through the pain and heaving breathing, I know I’m getting a little stronger and a little faster. I know my heart is becoming more efficient at pumping oxygen through my body, and that my body is making new veins and clearing the clots in the old.

But what I hadn’t realized until recently is that although running is saving my life, long-distance running can also increases your odds of blood clots.

When most people think of deep vein thrombosis (DVT or blood clots), they picture the elderly or overweight. It’s hard to imagine the young or active getting sick or suddenly dying.

But what about tennis star Serena Williams (29 years)? Hockey player Adam McQuaid (26 years)? Professional golfer Joey Sindelair (51 years)? They all had blood clots and pulmonary embolisms and are lucky to be alive today.

Blood clots can happen to anyone. That’s why it’s important to know the risk factors and warning signs so you can avoid a clot yourself.

In fact, the English National Football Team takes this issue so seriously that for the last two World Cup games, the players have been fitted with compression stockings for their flights.

What many people don’t realize is that runners and other endurance athletes (and not just professionals!) are particularly prone to getting DVT. Although they combat some of the risk factors by being active and in generally good health, according to AirHealth.org, 85% of air travel DVT victims are athletic, endurance athletes like marathoners. 83% of athlete victims on planes are under 60 years.

So why is this? Endurance runners and athletes have their own set of risk factors in addition to those that apply generally.*

  1. Dehydration. Prolonged periods of exercise can lead to dehydration, which leads to thicker blood. When your blood is thicker, it is more likely to clot. Caffeine and alcohol are also diuretics that can in turn thicken your blood.
  2. Lower Heart Rate. A lower heart rate means your blood is moving through your body at a slower rate. When your blood moves slowly, it is more likely to clot.
  3. Soreness and Injury. When your body experiences trauma, it may begin to form a clot at the site. Additionally, if you break a bone or strain a muscle, you may be required to wear a brace or a cast—these limit your mobility, and increase your chance of clotting.
  4. Travel. Many athletes travel for games and races. If you travel long distances and are immobile in a car or plane, your blood can pool in your legs and form a clot.
  5. Physical Abnormalities. There are also some physiological abnormalities that compress one of the deep veins and with repeated trauma/use, can eventually lead to a DVT. See more about Thoracic Outlet Obstruction for DVT in the arm, or May-Thurner Syndrome for DVT in the left leg. 

So what can you do?




LISTEN to your body. If something feels off, see your physician.


*There are other risk factors that may apply, but there have not been enough studies to determine their significance and/or correlation.

What I wish I’d known.

I successfully completed all my runs this week, and it’s clear this summer humidity is going to be a real challenge–but one that I’m willing to tackle!

I’ve always been a fan of summer, and I will take the worst of NYC heat and humidity over winter any day. But even so, it makes it very difficult to run.

I wear a compression stocking on my left leg that goes up to my thigh. As far as I know, it’s something I’ll need to wear for the rest of my life. It’s basically a very tight sock that combats swelling by helping keep the blood from pooling in my leg (blood goes in just fine, but because my veins are clogged, it’s difficult for the blood to leave).

Unfortunately, the compression stocking makes it hard for my leg to breathe. The stocking is so tight, I can’t sweat out of that leg, and I quickly overheat. The humidity is brutal. I hope that by powering through, these runs will eventually get easier. And when the November NYC Marathon rolls around, I’ll have some extra preparation!

Even though my initial diagnosis of the deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is nearly two years behind me, it’s still difficult to deal with the consequences of the clot in my leg being permanent.

I don’t believe in living life by saying “If only…” or “I wish I’d known…,” but if I had known one thing, it would have completely changed my life and leg.

A DVT will become permanent scar tissue if it is not properly dealt with in the first few weeks. 

Most of the time, this is not a problem. Doctors use two main treatments to treat a DVT.

  1. Blood thinners: In most cases, blood clots are small (but deadly) and can be treated with anticoagulants (blood thinners). These drugs increase the amount of time it takes for a blood clot to form and allow your body to naturally take care of the existing clot.
  2. Clot-busters: In cases of more extreme DVT, the body alone is unable to clear the clot by itself. A clot-busting drug can be injected directly into the blood stream or the clot to help the body “melt” the clot away at a much faster rate.

Unfortunately, in my case, I had the perfect storm of problems. My DVT was extremely severe (phlegamasia cerulea dolens) and went from my ankle to my heart. It was so bad my foot was turning blue. I had a 50% chance of dying or losing my leg. I also got sick in Malaysia, meaning I did not have access to modern healthcare.

The doctors in Malaysia were satisfied with treating me exclusively with a blood thinner (xarelto, which I’m on today). Despite the severity of my DVT, they opted to go with the standard treatment of blood thinners—only effective in less extreme cases—and to let my body essentially take care of the clot itself.

It’s safe to say, had I stayed in Malaysia, I’d either be dead or short a left leg. There is no way my body could have tackled a four-foot long blood clot on its own.

After a couple nights, I flew to Tokyo to seek more advanced treatment. The doctors in Tokyo were much more prepared to handle a DVT of my severity, and within a couple hours of landing in Tokyo, I was in the operating room receiving a filter to catch blood clots before they could enter my heart lungs (inferior vena cava filter/IVC filter).

They chose to treat my DVT by hooking me up to an IV and filling my blood stream with the clot-busting drugs (urokinase). Although they considered injecting the clot-busting drug directly into my clot (catheter directed thrombolysis), there is a risk of severe and fatal bleeding. This was not a common procedure in Japan, and they decided to play it safe.

It would take longer, but my body would take care of the clot over the next few months with the help of the clot-busting drug. Patience would pay off.

I spent a month in the hospital in Tokyo. I was not allowed to go outside, I could not walk, and I was hooked up to an IV. The clot-busting drug was slowly but surely effective. My weekly MRIs showed the clots in my lungs (pulmonary embolisms) and in my lower leg and mid-section “melting” away, and the clot that had extended from my ankle to my heart gradually became shorter.

Unfortunately, the clot-busting medication never got a chance to “melt” the vast majority of my clot. My upper calves, my thigh, my pelvis—none of these were exposed to the medication because blood flow in the area was so poor. Only the peripheral clots were exposed to the clot-busting drug in my blood stream. The majority of my DVT was left untreated.

Five weeks after my initial diagnosis, I flew back to New York to finish treatment. It was here that I learned a DVT will become permanent scar tissue if it is not properly dealt with in the first few weeks.

What I hadn’t known was that I had been sitting in various hospitals in Asia, waiting patiently, and quietly allowing all of my blood clots to become permanent scar tissue. I had passively sat around, and with each passing day, I ensured a lifelong disability with lifelong poor circulation.

If only I had known.

Getting catheter directed thombolysis in New York. Unfortunately the treatment would be too late.

Getting catheter directed thrombolysis in New York. Unfortunately the treatment would be too late.

It had already been five weeks, but the doctors in New York tried injecting the clot-busting drugs (rTPA) directly into my leg (catheter directed thrombolysis). Small portions of the clot (likely new clots resulting from my poor circulation) “melted” away, but ultimately it was ineffective.

The deep veins in my leg were left permanently scarred and blocked.

It’s easy to go back and wonder about how things would be different if my DVT had been less severe, if I had gotten sick in America, if I’d only gone back to New York earlier, or if I’d known I had a limited window of time…

Had I known, I would have flown back to NYC as soon as I had the IVC filter (to catch blood clots) inserted in Tokyo.

Had I known, I would have asked for more aggressive treatment and catheter directed thrombolysis.

Had I known, I would have busted the clots before they became permanent.

…but ultimately, this does no good. It might have been a lot worse. I’m alive, I’m running, and I don’t plan on letting DVT stop me from anything.

Please be mindful of your treatment—you only have a limited time to bust the clot before it becomes permanent. Consult your doctor and get a second and third opinion.

No one cares more about your well-being and treatment than you.

How to ride a plane.

My first week of marathon training was in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Sticking with your training routine is always difficult when traveling, and especially difficult when you’re walking 10+ miles a day and all you want to do is have fun with your friends. Russians don’t have a strong outdoor running culture like we do in the US, and it’s easy to assume everyone is staring at you strangely.

Luckily, Week 1 was filled with only short runs, and I was able to get in a couple training runs. I didn’t follow my schedule perfectly, but I’ve accepted that perfectly following my schedule will be impossible and unreasonable expectations will only lead to irrational self-loathing. A marathon is about loving and improving yourself!

But more importantly, every time I travel (or hear of anyone else traveling) long distances, I am reminded of the importance of knowing how to ride a plane to avoid deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots.

DVT often happens on long plane rides–if it’s an especially long flight, it’s difficult not to fall asleep for long hours. But when your legs are immobile for that many hours below your heart, gravity works against you, and the blood begins to pool in your legs. The blood in your legs slows down and becomes more sluggish, and this can eventually lead to a blood clot in your veins. If a clot breaks off and goes into your lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism (PE), it can be instantly fatal.

After the 3/11 earthquake in Fukushima, Japan, many individuals died after sleeping in their cars in the weeks following the destruction of their homes. DVT formed in their legs from hours of sleeping in an upright position.

So what can you do to prevent this? A few simple tips can help save your life:

  • Walk around on the plane every couple hours. The key is to keep your blood moving.
  • If you can’t be bothered to wake the person next to you, pump or kick your feet around so that the blood keeps moving.
  • Stay hydrated. Dehydration leads to thicker blood, which increases clotting.
  • Take an aspirin. Aspirin is an anti-platelet drug, which prevents blood cells called platelets from clumping together to form a clot.
  • Wear compression stockings. Compression stockings help with blood circulation in the legs. I realize that this is something most people will not do (so do your best to walk around and stay hydrated!).
  • Avoid sleeping pills. They only decrease your mobility and increase your chances of a DVT.

If you start to feel any discomfort in one leg after a long flight or car ride, see a doctor immediately! Symptoms of DVT can often occur in the days/weeks after long travel and may not be immediately apparent.

In front of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Running in Russia. In front of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.

I’m running the NYC Marathon. Here’s why.

This week marks the start of my training for the New York City Marathon. Eighteen weeks of running regularly on a set schedule, slowly increasing my mileage until I hit 26.2 miles on November 2. If you’d asked me two years ago, I would have thought this was crazy (half of me still does today).

But as most of you know, my life changed dramatically 22 months ago when I was diagnosed with a massive blood clot spanning from my left ankle to my heart–I had a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolisms (PEs). (See my first post here for more.)

I’m lucky I’m alive and didn’t lose my leg.

After the initial shock, the worst news I received was from the doctors, who told me that although my life would be mostly normal, I should probably come to terms with the fact that I would never run again.

Even though I had never considered myself a runner, I was devastated.

Long distance running was something I had only casually started a year earlier after a bad breakup. I had run two half marathons, but running was not a lifelong hobby. It didn’t matter. When I was told I would never run again, I was still heartbroken.

It wasn’t until Halloween 2012 that I had hope. My new doctor at Stanford was willing to work with me, and he was as aggressive in my treatment as I was determined to get better. He gave me a stent (metal vein) in my pelvis and told me that maybe I could run again. Anything was possible.

I was determined to regain use of my leg.

DVT left the veins in my left leg a scarred and clotted mess. The blood could go into my leg, but there was no pathway for the blood to leave. I couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes without excruciating pain. Additionally, because I had been bedridden for so many months, the muscles in my leg had atrophied.

So I started to go to the gym.

It was slow work, and sometimes my workouts consisted of no more than walking down my stairs and to the gym a few blocks away, but these walks slowly became five minute walks on the treadmill.

The pain was horrendous–my leg felt as though it would burst from the inside out. The pressure of blood pumping into my legs with no way to leave would become increasingly mind numbing as I walked, but because my doctor had said that even painful exercise would not further damage my leg, I kept going. (Though you should always consult a doctor before doing any painful exercise).

Soon I could slowly jog 100m on the treadmill. And then 200m. And then 400m. Each day I was able to bear the pain for a minute or two longer than the day before.

What I did not realize was that the more I ran, the more my body worked to compensate for my activity. Although I did not have use of my deep leg veins, my body created a web of new veins (collateral veins) to meet the demands I was putting on it. The harder I ran, the harder my body worked.

Six weeks after my last surgery I ran a 10K in Central Park.

Six months after I was told I would never run again I ran the Brooklyn Half.

I’ve run more than a dozen races since then, including four more half marathons.

I am still slower than I was two years ago, and it is still painful to run, but in the last year and a half, running has become a part of me.

This is where the marathon comes in.

A marathon was something I thought impossible two years ago when I was healthy. A marathon was impossible a year and a half ago when I was in the hospital. A marathon is still impossible today. But by training for and running the NYC Marathon, I want to prove to myself (and hopefully to you) that anything is possible.

I hope that you will keep me accountable and cheer me on during my 18-week journey. I’ll post weekly on this blog, sharing my progress as well as various stories and tips from my experiences with DVT (for any readers who are also afflicted with DVT and would like to learn more).

Without the support from friends and family, I would not be where I am today. Let’s take this to the next level.

A year ago I almost died.

I was 25-years old and staring death in the face. My leg hurt and I had difficulty walking, but I otherwise felt and looked healthy. No one would have guessed that I could easily drop dead at a second’s notice. I was young and in relatively good shape. In the past year, I’d run two half-marathons and I was now in the middle of a month-long backpacking trip through Southeast Asia with my friends.

But I somehow ended up on a seven-hour flight from Malaysia to Tokyo, alone, and seriously wondering if I would make it to my 26th birthday the following week. Three days earlier, I had been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in Kuala Lumpur, nearly ten thousand miles away from home, and although I didn’t know it, I had already developed pulmonary embolisms (PEs).

I want to tell my story in the hopes that you will learn the signs of this potentially fatal condition. It is often left undiagnosed and is incredibly serious. DVT/PEs can affect and kill almost anyone in any age group and in any state of health. You may have heard of NBC’s David Bloom, 39, who died unexpectedly while reporting in Iraq. Or you may have heard of teenagers dying unexpectedly after playing video games for days without stopping. Or you may have heard that Hilary Clinton suffered her own DVT scare in 1998. There are countless stories.

My hope is that if you learn the risk factors and symptoms, you, your family, and your friends will be able to avoid a similar debacle.

DVT occurs when a blood clot develops in a vein and begins to block the blood flow back to your heart. It often occurs in the lower leg, thigh or pelvis, but can also develop in the arm.

What makes a DVT so dangerous is that a part of this clot can break off and travel through the vein, through the heart and into the lungs. The DVT then becomes a PE, which can stop blood from reaching the lungs—if the clot is big enough, you die.

This scan of my leg shows that my left leg (right in this image) is swollen.

This scan of my leg shows that my left leg (right in this image) is swollen.

In most cases, the DVT is small and limited to one area. Regardless, a blood clot of any size can break off, and if the piece is large enough, it can be deadly.

In my case, the DVT was severe. My entire left leg, through my pelvis, and nearly all the way to my heart was one enormous blood clot. In half of the cases that are this serious, the patient either dies or loses the leg.

Because my prognosis was so grave, and because the medical care in Malaysia was insufficient, I flew to Tokyo, despite the risks, on the recommendation of my friend’s father (an ER doctor). By the time I landed in Tokyo and was rushed into the ICU and surgery, they discovered that I already had several PEs. I had been lucky they were small.

Each year DVT/PEs kill more than 300,000 people in the U.S.—more than HIV and breast cancer combined. However, DVT can be treated and PEs prevented if discovered early.

Hanging out in the hostel. Unable to walk, but still had no idea what was wrong.

Hanging out in the hostel. Unable to walk, but it would be days before I knew what was wrong.

We had been traveling through Southeast Asia for three weeks, and I had been having lower back pain for about a week. I didn’t think much of it and chalked it off to the uncomfortable beds in our cheap hostels. On our last night in Kuala Lumpur, my left leg started to swell unexpectedly. Within a couple hours the pain and swelling were so severe that I could no longer walk. My leg became discolored and for the next two days my roommate and I went to different hospitals in order to get a diagnosis—all the while my leg became progressively darker, and the pain increasingly crippling. Although DVT symptoms are commonly recognized by American doctors, I had a hard time getting answers in Malaysia. At one point one of the doctors told me to go back to my country to get my leg fixed. Eventually, I was able to convince one of the doctors to give me a scan after my foot started to turn blue, revealing that I had a DVT.

It is important to know the signs of a DVT so that you can seek medical help immediately:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Discoloration or redness of skin
  • Warm skin

My left leg (right in this image) was starting to turn blue when the doctor finally agreed to give me a scan.

My left leg was swollen, darker and in excruciating pain.

My left leg was swollen, darker and in excruciating pain.

You can also develop a PE without showing DVT symptoms. You should go to the hospital immediately if you have these symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Faster than normal or irregular heart beat
  • Chest pain or discomfort, which usually worsens with a deep breath or coughing
  • Coughing up blood
  • Very low blood pressure, lightheadedness, or fainting

What makes this so scary is that half the time, people show no symptoms of a DVT at all. It is therefore important to know what causes a DVT, and also know what you can do to prevent a DVT from happening in the first place.

Anyone can have a DVT, but your odds increase with each risk factor present:

  • Sitting for long periods without moving (long plane flights and car rides)
  • Birth control pills (or other increases in estrogen, including pregnancy and HRT)
  • Smoking
  • Surgery
  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Heart and lung disease
  • Genetic clotting disorders
  • Age > 40
  • Previous history of DVT/PE in you or your family
But I would spend another 6 weeks in a wheelchair. And it would be another 4 months before I could walk more than a few blocks at a time.

I looked OK. But I would spend another 6 weeks in a wheelchair. And it would be another 4 months before I could walk more than a few blocks.

It is likely that I had been a walking time bomb for three weeks, and could have died at any given moment during our trip. I had flown to Thailand at the end of July and subsequently sat through three long flights to Bangkok. I was exhausted and dehydrated from a weekend of celebrating the end of the bar exam and I slept the entirety of each plane ride, walking only to transfer in between flights.

I later found out that I had two other risk factors, which greatly increased my odds of developing a DVT—I was on birth control and have a genetic condition called Factor V Leiden, which makes my blood thicker than the average person (1 in 20 Caucasians has this). It is likely that my clot started out small and grew larger as more and more of my blood flow became blocked, which is why my DVT was so extensive by the time I finally started showing symptoms.

Being abroad complicated my situation dramatically. I did not receive treatment that was aggressive enough and as a result, I will have to live with my DVT as a lifelong disability. I have an 8-inch stent (metal vein) in my pelvis, have completely lost my deep left thigh vein because the blood clot is now permanent scar tissue, am on an impressive arsenal of blood thinners, and am forced to wear a full-length compression stocking on my left leg (very trendy fashion statement) to help prevent the blood from pooling.

I spent a total of 6 weeks in 4 hospitals around the globe, spent 3 weeks hooked up to an IV, and have had 7 surgeries (and counting). Exactly a year ago I could not walk. Nine months ago I was told that I would have to accept that I would never run long distances again.

I say all this to those of you who have experienced a DVT. Your body is an incredible machine, and it can recover, even if your DVT is as severe as mine. After pushing my body to its limits—going to the gym regularly, engaging in strength training, and just running through the excruciating levels of pain—I can run again. I completed my first post-legscapade half marathon in May and will run another this October. Next up, I’ll be training to run the November 2014 NYC marathon.

Although I have worked hard to build my body back to the level it is now, I also recognize that there was an enormous amount of luck that played a role in my still being here today. But you don’t need luck to prevent a DVT—you just need to remember simple preventative tips. Before a long flight, take an aspirin. Make sure to move around during the flight. Stay hydrated. The same goes for a long car ride or any situation where you will be sitting for a long period of time. My story would have turned out differently had I known these things. Don’t let the same happen to you.

I’m running the NYC Marathon to help STOP THE CLOT for the National Blood Clot Alliance. If you’d like to help, please donate HERE. Thank you!